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Helping our daughters imagine a bright future
full of

What do you want to
be when you grow up?"
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Looking back at my own youth, this was a question that seemed impossible to answer.


Now - if you're a teenager navigating your journey into womanhood, you probably feel as confused by this question as I did at your age.


And if you're a mom of a teenage daughter, you've probably found yourself asking this question... and meeting the same blank stare, followed by a similar canned response that you remember giving all too well.


"Uh, a doctor... or a teacher.  A marine biologist?"


The truth is, it IS impossible to answer - because it has always felt like a multiple choice question, when it's actually a wide open ended one.

Girl Gazing

So... who is setting the upper limit?


For a long time now, I've been asking myself this question. And with two teenage daughters of my own, I've now got a vested interest in finding the answer.


Who gets to decide what the "approved" choices are, and to what end?


Because happiness and success certainly don't look the same for everyone. 

So, why should our options for the future?

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Enter Blue Sky Sisterhood.

Here, our mission is to support young women to make confident choices about their futures by offering them the support of an informed community and equipping them with the tools to make empowered decisions. 

Now, don't get the wrong idea. This is not some "dreams can come true" motivational program, where you get excited, but without any idea what your next steps should be.


Here, we dream big.  Then we DO bigger.


Because of course, you won't come up short on inspiration. 
But it's where inspiration meets action that the real magic happens.

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How It's Done

We agree that sometimes it feels like parents and teens speak a different language. 

That's why we've developed a proprietary 3V Framework to ensure that mothers and daughters are working from the same playbook, and that they have clear next steps to move toward their objectives for the future.



This is the FUN part.  Because, if you've ever painted a picture of what your life will look like in your mind's eye... this is the time to use all the colors!  What kind of life would you love to have?



What things do you love that you're also good at?  If we know what someone needs, we can create something that is worth paying for!  So who will pay for it, and how much?  



Here's where we learn to blend what you love and what you're good at to create a brilliant vision for your future.  Working together, we'll create a strategy to make your dreams a reality by breaking them down into small, achievable milestones.
Ready to see it in action?

Check out our event schedule and reserve your seat when we come to your city!



I'm Jess Spino, business owner, author, wife, and mom of two amazing, independent girls, Sophia (15) and Vivian (12).  They didn't become who they are by accident, and neither did I.       


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As part of the Born to Rise book project, myself and 21 other women shared our stories of fear, loss, heartbreak, anxiety, and doubt... and how we chose to fight our way up from the depths of despair to rise above and reclaim our power and our version of success.  When I think about the women in this book, I can't help but to feel so proud to stand with them and share our stories with you.


Ready to kickstart your inspiration? Order your copy NOW!


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